

The use of photography in architecture

Nowadays the use of images to define and characterise architectural spaces is widespread, especially in temporary, trade-fair and sport-related architecture etc.  From the start of digital photography and above all over the last ten years, the techniques for reproducing and above all for printing photographs have advanced to such a degree that nowadays it [...]

The use of photography in architecture2021-07-04T15:58:32+02:00

On Rothko

I would now like to post an article on the important role which art has played both in my personal, and above all, in my professional life. I would like this to be a very personal account.  Although professional websites don’t normally call for articles of this nature, talking about oneself sometimes allows for [...]

On Rothko2021-07-04T16:02:10+02:00

My new studio-house in Antwerp

My new studio in Antwerp is located in Wisselstraat 8 in a side street of the central Grote Mark on the second floor of a 1970s building.  Outwardly the building has tried to ‘blend-in’ with the surrounding old buildings by incorporating  the aesthetics of the their facades and their use of materials. Antwerp is [...]

My new studio-house in Antwerp2021-07-04T16:06:08+02:00
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